Florian lab, spatial biology and cancer research at Charité, Berlin

Florian lab

from cells to tissues

Selected Publications

(A full list of our publications can be found here.)

Some interesting reviews:

Florian S & Mitchison TJ. 

Crowds and power - coordinated in vitro development of a benign breast lesion. 

Molecular and Cellular Oncology 2019;6(6):e1648739 [read]

Mitchison TJ, Pineda J, Shi J, Florian S

Is inflammatory micronucleation the key to a successful anti-mitotic cancer drug?

Open Biology. 2017 Nov;7(11) [read]

Florian S & Mitchison TJ. 

Anti-Microtubule Drugs. 

Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016;1413:403-21 [read]

First author papers as well as coauthorships 

(the latter 2012- only)

(* shared first author, # corresponding author)

1. Llop-Guevara A, Loibl S, Villacampa G, Vladimirova V, Schneeweiss A, Karn T, Zahm DM, Herencia-Ropero A, Jank P, van Mackelenbergh M, Fasching PA, Marmé F, Stickeler E, Schem C, Dienstmann R, Florian S, Nekljudova V, Balmaña J, Hahnen E, Denkert C, Serra V. 

Association of RAD51 with homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) and clinical outcomes in untreated triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC): analysis of the GeparSixto randomized clinical trial. 

Annals of Oncology 2021 Dec;32(12):1590-1596. [read]

2. Florian S #, Iwamoto Y, Coughlin M, Weissleder R & Mitchison TJ #.

A human organoid system that self-organizes to recapitulate growth and differentiation of a benign mammary tumor [read].

PNAS 116(23):11444-11453 (2019).

3. Chittajallu DR *, Florian S *#, Kohler RH, Iwamoto Y, Orth JD, Weissleder R#, Danuser G# & Mitchison TJ.

In vivo cell cycle profiling in xenograft tumors by quantitative intravital microscopy. [read

Nature Methods 12, 577–585 (2015).

This work was featured in Marx V. 

The author file: Stefan Florian, Nature Methods 12, 475 (2015). [read]

4. Tang Y, Xie T, Florian S, Moerke N, Shamu C, Benes C & Mitchison TJ.

Differential determinants of cancer cell insensitivity to antimitotic drugs discriminated by a one-step cell imaging assay.

Journal of Biomolecular Screening 18, 1062-1071 (2013).

5. Florian S & Mayer TU.

The functional antagonism between Eg5 and dynein in spindle bipolarization is not compatible with a simple push-pull model. [read]

Cell Reports 1, 408-416 (2012).

6. Engl G, Florian S, Tranebjaerg L & Rapaport D.

Alterations in expression levels of deafness dystonia protein 1 affect mitochondrial morphology. 

Human Molecular Genetics 21, 287-299 (2012).

7. Florian S# & Mayer TU#.

Modulated microtubule dynamics enable Hklp2/Kif15 to assemble bipolar spindles. [read

Cell Cycle 10, 3533-3544 (2011).

 8. Florian S, Esterbauer H, Binder T, Mullauer L, Haas OA, Sperr WR, Sillaber C & Valent P. Systemic mastocytosis (SM) associated with chronic eosinophilic leukemia (SM-CEL): detection of FIP1L1/PDGFRalpha, classification by WHO criteria, and response to therapy with imatinib. 

Leukemia Research 30, 1201-1205 (2006).

9. Florian S*, Sonneck K*, Czerny M, Hennersdorf F, Hauswirth AW, Buhring HJ & Valent P. Detection of novel leukocyte differentiation antigens on basophils and mast cells by HLDA8 antibodies.

Allergy 61, 1054-1062 (2006).

10. Florian S, Sonneck K, Hauswirth AW, Krauth MT, Schernthaner GH, Sperr WR & Valent P. Detection of molecular targets on the surface of CD34+/CD38-- stem cells in various myeloid malignancies. [read]

Leukemia & Lymphoma 47, 207-222 (2006).

11. Florian S, Krauth MT, Simonitsch-Klupp I, Sperr WR, Fritsche-Polanz R, Sonneck K, Fodinger M, Agis H, Bohm A, Wimazal F, Horny HP & Valent P.

Indolent systemic mastocytosis with elevated serum tryptase, absence of skin lesions, and recurrent severe anaphylactoid episodes.

International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 136, 273-280 (2005).

12. Florian S*, Ghannadan M*, Mayerhofer M, Aichberger KJ, Hauswirth AW, Schernthaner GH, Printz D, Fritsch G, Bohm A, Sonneck K, Krauth MT, Muller MR, Sillaber C, Sperr WR, Buhring HJ & Valent P. Evaluation of normal and neoplastic human mast cells for expression of CD172a (SIRPalpha), CD47, and SHP-1. [read]

Journal of Leukocyte Biology 77, 984-992 (2005).

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